Wild Manor PopSockets Spot Wins OneClub Denver Bronze

When Editor and Colorist Jonnie Sirotek saw the raw footage from PopSockets’ shoot in Lisbon Portugal, he had one thought. “Yep! This is going to be good.” The One Club for Creativity agreed, honoring Wild Manor and Coupe Studios with recognition for “Craft/ Editing” and “Use of Music” in their commercial spot Mount Up.
“Since I started in this business, I’ve gravitated towards spots paced to music,” said Lennon Barnica, founder of Wild Manor. “The team was able to explain what a PopSocket is and how it's useful in a fun way. All in a short amount of time and without VO– WIN!”

Spanning more than 60 years, the One Club Awards have recognized creative conceptualization in advertising, interactive, design, and branded entertainment among its local and international chapters. Wild Manor submitted three advertising projects with local partners and all three received One Club Denver Awards for the 2021 season. Filmed abroad, the team felt their work with PopSockets had a unique, global impact.
“Everybody brought these great creative ideas in service of the project” recalled Sirotek. “What would make the spot better? That was the driving force and I think that’s a recipe for success. It makes you want to bring your best stuff. Those projects don’t come around in every job.”
PopSockets offered the words “personality, individuality, and effervescence” to guide pre-production and focused on unique camera movements to help all of the scenes work together and transition. Once handed the baton from Lisbon, Sirotek relied heavily on Wild Manor to keep information flowing between the teams in order to hit post-production deadlines.
“Before they even shot a minute of footage, there were clear ideas of how this should go together,” he said. “When you can start from that place, with that backbone, you can express over the top of that creatively.”
Sirotek’s specialty is just that– adding vitality to the bones of raw video footage using color and music.
“For an edit especially like this, having the right music is so critical,” said Sirotek. “It can inform so many of your edit decisions and how the overall thing is going to land. If you think of some of your favorite commercials, you can remember the hook that kept you there. It sticks in your memory.”
Within 30 seconds, Wild Manor’s team executed PopSockets’ vision.
“This one is one of my favorites we’ve done,” said Barnica. “Admittedly I've watched the spot 100 times over.”